Daffodils Psych learning master classes is an initiative by DAFFODILS BRAIN CARE CENTER to provide world class education in field of Psychiatry & Psychology. We aim to provide extra edge to our students with great learning opportunities and knowledge about theoritical and practical aspects of the subject by providing evidence based learning platform.
- For world class education and latest updates in the subject of Psychiatry.
- For having an extra edge in various theory, practical and entrance exams.
- Detailed e-learning Psychiatry concepts.
- Faculty from the most prestigious institutes of India.
- Evidence and guideline based learning.
Psych Learning Master Classes
Updated Foundation Courses
Psych Learning Master Classes
Foundation Courses
Specific learning disorder, Temperament, Elimination disorders, Child Forensic Psychiatry(POCSO Act), Mood disorders in children , Schizophrenia in children, Intellectual disability, Autism, ADHD, Conduct disorder, ODD, Tourette's syndrome.
Schizophrenia, Mood disorders, Anxiety and Grief Disorders, Suicide, Mood Stabilizers, OCD, Body Dysmorphic disorder.
Sleep and Psychiatry, Somatoform Disorder, Dissociative Disorders, Factitious Disorders, Gender Identity Disorders, Sexual Disorders, Dementia, Special population in Psychiatry.
Criminal Responsibilty and Psychiatry, Fitness to stand trail, MHCA-2017, NDPS, RPWD, Informed consent, Medical Negliganece, Psychological, Autopsy, Testamentary Capacity, Psychiatrist in court, IDEAS, NMHS, NMHP, DMHP.
Alcohol, Cannabis & Endocannabinoid system, Opioids, Cocaine, Inhalants, Tobacco, Behavioral Addiction, Dual Diagnosis.
Intelligence, Emotional Quotient, Kindling, Imprinting, Theory of Mind, Learning, Memory, Expressed emotions, Coping Strategies, Defense Mechanism, Freud, Neofreud theories, Personality Testing.
Epilepsy, Consultation Liasion, Ect, rTMS, Soft Neurological Signs, Vascular Depression, Neurotransmitters and receptors, Limbic systems, Cerebral Dominance, Phantom Limb, Sterios Induced Psychosis, Depression in clinical setting, Headache.
Detailed mental status examination, Psychopathology discussion, Cases on Schizophrenia, Bipolace disorder, Elderly Depression, Substance use disorder, Explanation of Token Economy, Lithium toxicity, Cognitive Behaviour therapy, Kirby's method, Treatment Substance Schizophrenia.
Pathways and receptors of Dopamine, Glutamate, GABA; NMDA Hypo functioning hypothesis of Schizophrenia, Serotonergic pathways and receptors, Hypnosis, anti-manic, antidepressants, antipsychotics, Clozapine, Individual antipsychotic drugs including Newer 3rd Gen antipsychotics, Depression and mania, SSRIs in detail, SPARI, SNRIs, Agomelatine, alpha blockers, SARIs,TCAs, Vortioxetin, Mood stabilizers, Lithium, Valproate and other mood stabilizers including special considerations, ADHD including individual drugs, Addiction, impulsivity, compulsivity including individual drugs, anxiety.
Psych Learning Master Classes
Crash Course
Biological basis for craving, drug addiction, anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, Psychosis, ADHD; Neuroanatomy including various neurotransmitters and their role in Psychiatry, Neuropeptide, Endorphin, Limbic system; Psychology including Kindling, Imprinting, Dream work, Intelligence including Emotional intelligence, Expressed emotions; Erik Erikson, Piaget, Carl Jung Sigmund Freud, Neo- Freudians ; Theories of personality and Projective tests, Biological basis of learning and memory, Cognitive distortions, Defence mechanism; Statistics
Adult ADHD, Anxiety , spectrum, Attenuated psychosis syndrome, Body dysmorphic disorder, CANMAT guidelines, Catatonia, Dissociation, Eating disorders, Erectile Dysfunction, Gender identity disorder, Grief reaction, Lithium toxicity, Mood disorders, Mx of acute psychiatric patient, OCD, Outcome studies of schizophrenia, IED, Recovery in schizophrenia, Schizo-obsessive disorder, Schizophrenia, Sexual dysfunction, Sleep disorders, Suicide and Deliberate self-harm
Child Psychiatry including ADHD, Specific Learning disorder, Child abuse, Autistic spectrum disorders, Conduct Disorders, Enuresis, Tourette syndrome, Psychosis and Mood disorder in childhood; Delirium tremens, Depots/ LAIs (Long acting injectables, ECT; Forensic and Community Psychiatry including Mental health act, 2017, NMHP, RPwD 2014, NDPS, IDEAS, Testamentary capacity, Psychological autopsy, Medical negligence and others; Geriatric depression, NMS / EPS, PMDD premenstrual dysphoric disorder, POCSO Act, Post partum psychiatric disorder, RTMS, Substance use Disorders including Opioid, Cocaine, Inhalant abuse, Solvent abuse , Nicotine dependence, Benzodiazepine abuse, Club drugs, Tobacco control in India, Epidemiology of SUD in India (AIIMS Study)
Breaking the bad news, CL psychiatry, Contributions of famous Psychiatrists, Culture bound syndromes in India, Dementia, Drug trials, EEG, Ethics in psychiatry, Euthanasia, Functional neuroimaging in psychiatry, Headache, HIV, ICU psychosis, Landmark studies in psychiatry, Lobar function test and Neuropsychological assessment, Neuroleptic malignant syndrome, NeuroPsychiatry including Cerebral dominance, Soft neurological signs, Phantom limb, Frontal lobe syndrome
Psych Learning Master Classes
MRCPsych Course
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